Item 9369217 93/11/01 15:20 From: MARY@METROSOFT.COM@INTERNET# Internet Gateway II Subject: Additional info on SimonSays PRODUCT INFORMATION FOR SIMONSAYS Simon is a voice recognition program. It saves you time by performing a sequence of actions with one voice command or command key sequence. Simon can listen for voice commands for specific applications or globally . Voice commands are trainable to your voice, no matter what your language, dialect or accent. A user can launch applications, send mail, copy and past text or graphics, change font attributes and sizes, page through a document, pick tools off a palette and more. Training Simon is quick and easy. Just select the applications you want to control by voice and/or alternate command key sequence and Simon automatically adds the menu items with command keys to his vocabulary. Then *train: Simon's vocabulary by responding to on-screen promptsPyou'll be asked to repeat each word three times. When you're finished, Simon launches applications and activates menu commands in response to your voice or a command key sequence you specify. And that's not allPyou can even build sophisticated macros by dropping objects into Simon's sequencer, then activate your macros by speaking a single voice command. Simon includes built-in objects for creating macros that include keystrokes, pasteboard libraries, sound libraries, UNIX shell commands, NeXTmail, timed delays and mouse events. Simon Says 2.0 will have an improved interface and added functionality. It will be distributed as a fat binary that will run on NEXTSTEP for Intel as well as NeXT computers. Contact Metrosoft directly for new orders and upgrades. For product information, you can e-mail For technical support, please e-mail or call 1-800-851-8665 or 619-488-9411 fax 619-488-3045 Metrosoft 740 13th Street, Suite 503 San Diego, California 92104 USA Simon resales for $295 / $220 edu Volume prices, please call. =END=